Simon Wong

Web Dev, Photographer, Human

Picture of Simon Wong

About Me

Hi friend, welcome to my personal website! I'm Simon, it's a pleasure to meet you 👋

I'm an IT professional based out of the greater Philadelphia area. I am currently a lead software engineer at LifeBrand, a technology startup focused on helping individuals and businesses build their social media brand.

On this site, you'll find some information to (hopefully) get to know me better. While most of the content is focused on my IT career, I hope to introduce you to my growing hobby of photography soon enough.

Picture of Simon with his two dogs, Oreo & Mochi

Simon with his two dogs, Oreo & Mochi


I have been a professional software engineer for nearly a decade now, and have loved every moment of it. Throughout my career, I have worn many hats within IT organizations and am incredibly grateful for these opportunities to shape the diversity of my skillset.

Here's a small glimpse into my current technical repertoire:

Full-Stack Web Development

I primarily code in JavaScript (preferably TypeScript) with experience in React and Node.js

Software Testing

I am a strong advocate for test-driven development and automated testing, using tools like Jest and React Testing Library

Infrastructure + Ops

I have experience deploying and maintaining scalable, observable systems in the cloud. Notably I've worked with AWS and GCP

Product Design + Strategy

I love working in a Product Ownership model, where I can help build data-driven software products that meet customers where they are

Project Management + Leadership

I have experience in both project and people management, leading diverse engineering teams to accomplish shared goals


I recently started down my photography journey, and have been loving every minute of it! Here's a small sample of some of my favorite shots.

Sample photo of Hogsmeade Village taken by Simon
Sample photo of Oreo (Simon's dog) taken by Simon
Sample photo of Simon's family taken by Simon
Sample photo of Valley Forge Park, taken by Simon


Thank you so much for visiting my site! If you'd like to get in touch, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Or Connect with me via Social